3 Creative and Safe Ideas for 6 Person Gatherings

As lockdown begins to ease here in the UK, it is an opportunity with us to get creative with the ways that we gather. At the time of writing (Wednesday 3rd June) we are able to gather in groups of no more than 6. Here are three things that you can do to make the most of connecting with your loved ones.

Evening Picnics

We are talking about candles, music, fairy lights, let’s make this atmospheric!

Picnics aren’t just for the day, they can happen in the evening with the right lighting, which can make it feel a bit special. Get cosy with blankets and cushions, and set up in a nice open space. Doing it in the evening, you don’t need to worry about sunburn or food sitting out in the sun. Try and catch the beautiful golden hour as the sun is setting for an extra sprinkle of drama!

If you don’t want to use just blankets, palettes are a great way to create a makeshift table. You can drape linen over the top and create a beautiful tablescape, with the crockery and cutlery of your choice.


  • each household must bring their own food, drinks, glasses, cutlery, and crockery

  • palettes or blankets must be AT LEAST 3 metres apart, to ensure that each household is 2 metres apart with people sitting on either side.


Tennis/Badminton/Batting Practise

If you have never played tennis, this is your chance. You don’t even need a court. If you can find a solid surface or patio, then you are good to go! Pop on your best skort and show that ball whose boss.

Tennis is a perfect game to play doubles if there are two people in each household. It is one of the few things that we can do in a socially distanced way that won’t feel any different to how you would usually play (psychologically, we sometimes need a rest from having to worry about whether we are doing the right thing!)

If you want to add an extra element of fun, how about playing a game of tennis with a Clueless theme? Black and white tennis ELEGANZA!



  • households need to bring their own rackets and balls, consider wearing gloves, and wash your hands regularly during and after.

Morning Coffee/ Book Club with Neighbours

Is there a part of your morning routine that you could share with your neighbours? Perhaps sharing your morning coffee with your neighbours in the garden, or even (safely!) out on the pavement? You’d be amazed at how that small piece of in person connection could make a huge difference to your day.

You could even create a lockdown book or film club, and get together once a week to talk about what you are consuming. It could even be an opportunity to do a deep dive into conversations around the unrest that is happening across the globe at the moment.


Give one (or all!) of these a try - and share your pics online with the hasthtag #amymeadowsevents

Stay safe and happy everyone.

Amy SheldrakeComment